Cardiac Emergency Response for Michigan Schools
The Michigan Senate passed House Bills 5527 and 5528 requiring schools to create response plans for cardiac emergencies and to ensure lifesaving equipment is nearby in the case of those emergencies.
Bill 5527 requires Michigan public K-12 schools to have cardiac emergency plans in place by the start of the 2025-26 academic year. Those plans would involve emergency response teams equipped with automated external defibrillators (AEDs), trained in CPR, first aid and AED administration. The teams and equipment must be easily accessible at athletic facilities.
Bill 5528 requires Michigan high school athletic coaches to be certified in using AEDs in accordance with the standards of the American Red Cross or American Heart Association.
Representative John Fitzgerald said during a March 5 committee hearing, “This is common sense legislation that will protect the lives of student athletes, school personnel and families.”
Reference: Detroit Free Press https://freep-mi.newsmemory.com/?publink=04a9b7df9_134d24d