Get to know our Athlete Profiles!
Here is everything you need to know about our athlete profiles!
You may have not noticed but our athlete profiles are up to date with the highest technology a recruitment profile can offer! Depending on what package you choose, you will fill out a form and our team will build your profile. You will then have the chance to edit it + know when a coach views you!
Our first package offers a profile photo, adding in your newest stats and you can always update. Location and contact information + more! Grab your free trial to check it out.
Our second package offers everything above plus you can add your highlight video, get verified and know what coaches are viewing YOU! Video is essential in the 2023 recruiting process. Coaches have so many athletes to look into and seeing first hand who they are looking at gives you the one up on others who do not have a video on their profile.
Lastly, with the third package you get all access above + get to set up a personal meeting with the SC!W TEAM and get put into emails sent directly to college coaches We are a team filled with all college female athletes that have gone through the recruiting process and are eegar to help.
Our college coach email lists have hundreds of coaches waiting for your information! Schools are always looking for new athletes and have scholarships waiting.
How to create your profile.
Go to Statechampsw.com and click recruiting. You will be able to pick your subscription package along with getting your first month free!
You will get an email shortly after confirming that your account is ready to go!